Description: Eskul - My latest full-stack project. A responsive school management website with dynamic features. Built using React, Mongoose, Express, Firebase, NodeJS, and Material UI, it includes admin and user dashboards. Users can discover transportation options, purchase books, donate, hire online tutors, and provide feedback. contact and FAQ forms enhance user interaction. Deployed with SSL Commerce on Heroku, Eskul showcases my skills in creating comprehensive, responsive, and feature-rich web solutions.


  • React
  • Mongoose
  • Express
  • Firebase
  • Node.JS
  • Material UI
  • SSL Commerce
  • Email.js
  • Heroku


  1. School’s information-related website with dynamic functions and responsive design. Implement a dashboard for admin and users.
  2. Users can also find out transport for their child based on their school location, buy books, donate money for any school, hire an online private tutor and read the books.
  3. Users can contact us using the contact us form and by messenger chatting system. Ask any questions using the faq form. They can Review our website, private tutor, and books.